
oho supply 256

Oho Supply

The $OHO Coin distribution was designed to promote $OHO Coin value, sustainability, and growth.


Currently, the total circulating supply of $OHO Coin is around 25 billion $OHO Coin or 55.56% of the maximum supply of 45 billion $OHO Coin.

Oho Stake Rewards Pool of 10 Billion $OHO Coin or 22.22% of the total supply is sufficient to sustainably provide stake rewards to holders for at least a couple of decades.


Another 10 Billion $OHO Coin or 22.22% of the total supply are reserved for the marketing/liquidity and development fund.

Oho Coin Distribution

The Oho Supply is allocated to 4 main groups including:


  • Individual Accounts

25 Billion $OHO (55.56%)


  • Stake Rewards

10 Billion $OHO (22.22%)


  • Marketing/Liquidity

5 Billion $OHO (11.11%)


  • Development Fund

5 Billion $OHO (11.11%)

4 Main Groups of Oho Holders

OHO Coin Distribution

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